Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Loose teeth, Christmas festivities, basketball and more...

Tyce lost 2 bottom baby teeth FOREVER ago, and now he finally lost one of his top front teeth!  He's happy, happy, happy! :) 

A cold front was coming through one night so we told Brek that she needed to wear warm clothes to school the next day.  After lots of complaining, crying, screaming about how she had no clothes that felt good she finally went to bed.  By the time I went to check on her I found this note outside her door...
Needless to say, the next morning was disastrous.

A friend from the branch invited us over to do Christmas crafts and eat yummy food.
Luke is pretty awesome at this stuff 

Bruce having fun! 

We signed Brek and Tyce up for basketball this year and they are loving it!  Tyce's first game Daddy got to sub coach.
 Tyce #3 and Coach Daddy

Brek missed her first game because she was sick.  This was her first game of the season.  She has a lot of fun!
Brek #9 (over the back :) 

She's so fast all of my pics of her are blurry :) 

Dribbling the ball 

Throwing in the ball (she must have her mommy's genes) 

We were able to attend our branch Christmas party.  There was lots of good food, music, and crafts.  Brek was off playing with her friends, but here are my boys...
Bruce was taking cues from Luke.  He had to put his arm up on the chair like Luke. 

All in position
Bruce, Tyce, Luke 

Brek and Tyce had a Christmas music program at their school.  It was really cute and we all had lots of fun!  It was outside with a spotlight on the field so I didn't get any good pics of them there, but here they are before we left...
Brek and Tyce 

Luke and Daddy waiting for the Christmas program 

Mommy and Bruce 

Christmas party time at the school!  I love that at their new school we can call it a Christmas party and not holiday party!
Brek and Bruce 

Brek opening her secret Santa gift 

 Brek, Bruce, and Mad Dog Luke

I was at Brek's party first and then went over to Tyce's.  As soon as I walked in the door, Tyce ran over to me and the kid who sits next to his desk threw up all over the place!  I'll call it good timing in that it made Tyce be away from his desk.  Poor kid.
Snaggle Tooth Tyce 

Tyce and Luke making Christmas ornaments 

Luke, Tyce's friend, and Tyce 

And Bruce in their, too!