Thursday, February 2, 2017


The kids had an awards assembly in the middle of the month.  I was really excited to go because they hadn't had one yet.  At previous schools, the kids had awards assemblies every 6 weeks for a "Job Well Done!"  I found this quite ridiculous.  Well, it turned out this one was not quite as great as I thought, but I still have to commend them for not celebrating a "job well done."  They only gave out perfect attendance, A honor roll, A-B honor roll, and awards they received at UIL competition.

The only award for Kinder and 1st grade was perfect attendance.  Lame-o.  Tyce missed probably 1 day.  No award for him. 

Brek got A-B honor roll
(some 6 weeks she had all As but this was for the entire semester) 
Still super proud of my awesome kids!

Somebody's potty training!!!
And might I add that he's doing a fabulous job!  Way easier than my other ones.  

Eating lunch at the school with the kids...

Tyce really wanted a space for his stuff since there's only 1 little dresser top for he and Luke to share, so I recommended he use the shelf in the closet.  This is what I found one night...
I love his organization and to see everything that is important to him. 

I didn't buy basketball pictures for the kids so here are the basketball pics I took... :)

 Brek and teammate

Luke likes to take pictures at the games, and this is one he took!  So awesome!

Going to basketball games has been a struggle because usually Brock is helping coach, and I have the 3 other kids with me.  Luke and Bruce go crazy the whole game and I literally just have to pin both of them down for the entire game.  But we love it! :) 

Luke decided we needed to make cupcakes one day...


 The days have been beautiful lately so the boys have been working a lot outside!

We snuck into the Elgin powerlifting meet for a few minutes, and I was able to snap this "wonderful" pic of Brock.   

The boys made a fort outside! 

Play time at the park with friends!