Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Keyan's Wedding

 I had decided that there was no way we were going to be able to make it to Keyan's wedding seeing as how it was right during spring football (meaning Brock would definitely not be able to come) and school (the kids would have to miss at least 3 days of school).  Mom called me about a week before the wedding and said that she had found me a cheap flight.  I quickly called everyone to see if it would work out (as far as babysitting) and then bought the ticket!  Crazy last minute decision, but it was worth it!  And it wouldn't have worked if it weren't for my wonderful peoples...Vanessa watching the 3 older kids for a day and a half, Kim and Todd watching Bruce for 2 days (Yikes!  My first time leaving him overnight!!!) and taking me to and from the airport, and of course Brock for holding down the fort and taking me to and from the airport.  I love y'all!!!!  Thank you soooo much!!!!

Bruce got a much needed haircut from Grandma! 

And then he chased Grandma around the house for half an hour squirting her with water!  She's such a good grandma! 

I was able to ride down to the wedding with Kevin and Savanna (Thank you!!!!) and had a lot of fun with them and Tamra.

Look who I found at the wedding!  This was for Brek although I still haven't gotten the nerve to show it to her because I know that she would kill me because I got to see Avery and she didn't! 

Waiting for the bride and groom to come out...

The girls 

And my only picture of the beautiful couple! 

The Groom!!! 

Meanwhile back in American Fork...
Bruce was having a great time with Grandma, Grandpa, and Brandon!
They were making a yummy treat in this picture. 

All ready for church with Grandpa 

Grandma and Bruce with those eyes he likes to make!

And here they are again in the airport to go home 

His entertainment for the flight was buckling and unbuckling my seat belt 

We had a bit of a layover (not too bad) and Bruce was getting restless 

Here he is throwing a "fit" (not really, just mad at me and laying on the floor in the airport)