Thursday, March 4, 2010

Whoa, baby!

As anyone who has ever been around babies know, they can be quite "explosive" when taking care of business. Tyce was taking care of his business the other day and caught me off guard. I said, "Whoa!" Brek immediately followed my lead and said, "Whoa, baby!" It was hilarious, and she's been saying it all of the time since then.

Tyce is doing great. He eats and sleeps a lot and is growing like crazy. At his 2 week appointment he weighed 9lb 13oz and was 22 1/4 in long.

This morning I laid him down on the floor on his tummy and when I came back in he was on his back! So at a month old he rolled over??? I was shocked. Is that normal? I guess I need to be a little more careful where I put him now.

Home from the hospital getting ready for bed. Always lots of kisses from Brek.

When Brek wakes up in the morning or from her nap the first thing she says is "Hi, Ty." (She can't quite say Tyce yet.) Then she has to find Tyce.

About 2 weeks old

About 3 weeks old. You can kind of see his "Popeye" arms in these pictures. Brock is aspiring to look like this some day. :)

"Daddy's #1 Draft Pick"

About 1 month old.

If Tyce is ever on the floor Brek is right there. She is such a good big sister, but sometimes I have to watch out for her. She loves to grab his hands to make him do the "wheels on the bus" or try to pick him up. She's really good at putting his pacifier in his mouth when he's crying, but she likes to pull it out when he's calmly sucking on it. And even though she's a thumb sucker, I catch her sucking on his pacifier quite often.



Oh Shayla he is so cute! He looks a little chunky! I love it!! Can't wait to meet him, whenever that may be. Hope everything is going well. We'll talk SOON (I was at a dr.s appt the other day when you called).


I just love those chunky little arms! You can tell from the pictures that Brek just adores her little brother.

Amanda Kirkpatrick


Kevin and Kerry

What a cutie!! i love those rolls!! We can't wait to see him in person. Keep the pictures coming they are great!