Monday, March 22, 2010

A Texas Spring Break

Brock got a week off from school for spring break the 15th - 19th. It was so nice to have him home all day with us! Unfortunately for him, he spent lots of that time off working on the house. We did escape with my family to Copper Breaks for a couple of days though for some camping so I think that made up for it. Brek loved being outside all day long while we were camping, and I'm pretty sure she drove my family crazy with her crying to go back outside after her 2 seconds of being inside. Tyce was awesome. He hardly made a peep the whole camping trip. A big THANK YOU to my family for keeping Brek entertained and for letting us tag along.

This is a small smile from Tyce. He has been smiling like crazy here lately. We love it!

A friend came to help Brock with painting the house, and this is his son. Brek had lots of fun having a playmate for a few hours.

Playing at the park at Copper Breaks.

After having a few beautiful days of spring break, we were hit with snow for the weekend!

On the way to Nana and Papa's to play in the snow

Where did everyone go?

Prepared for the snow now!

The kids + Brock playing in the snow. :)

Daddy brought his snowball maker for the big fight. He enlisted Kacy and Hannah's help and then later turned on them... or so I was informed from the girls.

Brek loved the snow and did not want to come back inside.

This is her "Take me back outside" face.


Kevin and Kerry

Oh so fun!!! You are a trooper to be out and camping...I hope it wasn't too cold. I love all the pictures and I can't wait to hang out with your cute kids when we move back---13 months and counting........


That last picture is hilarious. I loved them all! I'm pretty sure I'm officially the worst friend in the entire world. I'm calling you soon. How did Brek do sleeping in a tent? Little Tyce looks so cute and so sweet!