Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Throughout November

We love when Daddy is home!!!  It is always so nice after football season when we get Daddy back.  The first thing he did was take these kids crawdad fishing!...

The crawdad haul

Brock didn't have school on Veteran's Day (although the kids did!), so he took Luke fishing to Lake Bastrop.
Luke had a blast! 

Their "big" catch of the day!

He's a pretty cool kid.

What else do we do when Daddy's home?  Wrestle!!!  Of any form I might add...

 I can't remember exactly what he was giving us the lip and puppy dog eyes for, but doesn't he do it so well?!  Ha!!!  He held this pose for quite a while!

And of course Luke just had to boil up one of his crawdads!  And Bruce...well, Bruce. :) 

More crawdads... 

We had a fire pit one night to make hot dogs and smores.  It was so much fun!  We love when Daddy's home!  Have I mentioned that yet? :)
Brek's eyes are closed.  Let's take another... 

Brek's eyes are closed AGAIN.  Let's take another... 

Brek's eyes are closed YET AGAIN!!!  Oh wait, so are Tyce's!!! :)  Let's take another... 

 Finally!  Aren't my loves cute??

Reading a book out loud for Brock and myself.  Bruce decided to join in. 

I have been pretty frustrated with my trash can lately so Luke decided to make one for me!  He's awesome. 

A beautiful flower blooming in November!  And a super cute boy beside it! 

 Brek is supposed to study her spelling words every night and one of her options for studying was to write them in flour.  So much fun!  Not so much fun to clean up...