Monday, August 1, 2016

Uncle Brandon's Visit

One of the favorite things for my kids to do these days is give Bruce a piggyback ride.  And he loves it! 

Brock's brother Brandon was able to fly down here to visit us for about a week, and we had so much fun with him!  I hope he had fun, because I wouldn't blame him if he didn't!  He was busy working the entire time!  Brock had him doing football workouts up at the high school and then he was kind enough to help us out with a little car maintenance.  He's the best!

The boys all went camping one night down at Bastrop State Park.  They came back super sweaty, hot, and tired!  July is not exactly the best time to go camping in Texas. :)

Meanwhile back at home we were having GIRLS' NIGHT!!!


What's girls' night without a little fingernail polish? 

All of the girls who came to play! 

Brek had so much fun! 

We went fishing a different night...
First, crawdad fishing.  No luck. 

This lake was a no swimming lake, but Brek just couldn't stand it! 

That Sunday when we got home from church we turned around to see this.  Haha!  Nice mustache, Luke!  I'm pretty sure it's chocolate...

Brandon and Brock doing football/training stuff 

This super creepy spider was hanging out in our backyard one day.  Luke said, "I think it's a banana spider."  Okay... I looked it up.  It totally was a banana spider! 

This poor boy was having too much fun with the kids one day and fell into the bunk beds.  He knocked his 2 front top teeth back a bit.  I was freaking out!  I called the dentist here, but they were out to lunch.  So I called Dr. Keys and he was gone on a fishing trip!  Called Mom who called Kevin's office and got the info we needed.  I needed to set the teeth back in place.  Yikes.  Brock and I did our best, but they were still a little bit out of place.  His mouth kept getting more and more swollen and purple.  I took him into the dentist the next day where they did an X-ray.  Everything was fine.   

Silly pictures with Brandon before he leaves! 

Those boys were wore out! 

This was the next day.  You can kind of see his swollen upper lip.  He almost looked like a Who from Whoville.