Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Bruce's favorite place to find food. 

The kids' elementary school had a "Winter at Neidig" before they let out for the Christmas break.  The kids had so much fun, and we came home with several fun homemade ornaments for our tree!

Making marshmallow snowmen
Brek's teacher is right above her head in this picture. 

Luke eating his snowman 

Drinking hot chocolate waiting to see Santa 

Back at home...
Silly Luke 



Blowing bubbles out in the rain in the middle of December :) 

Tyce ran the most laps out of all of Kindergarten for their school's walkathon! 

This is what Bruce looks like when he colors with markers. 

Christmas party day at school...
Tyce was up super early the day of his Christmas party at school.  He was dressed and ready to go!  He made the cutest face and winked and pointed to me and said, "Mom, I'm so excited to see you at school today!"  This picture is a reenactment of it.  Doesn't quite capture the moment but still super cute.

Brek in her PJs at her party 

Brek's class 

Tyce the elf 

Tyce and Luke 

Tyce with his best friend 

Tyce with his classmates 

Mommy and Bruce

Tyce was dancing around like this all morning before I took him to school for his party!

Bruce just being adorable