Monday, July 18, 2016

Bruce's 2nd Birthday

Bruce's 2nd birthday was on the 8th!  Vanessa texted me that day asking if we wanted to do something with them that weekend, so of course we said YES!!!  So that means we got to celebrate Bruce's birthday with the Byers'!
Cheesing smile picture 

Trying to show 2 fingers 

Bruce was super excited about getting Elmo for his birthday!...

 Until it started talking to him, and then he got a little nervous. :)

But he warmed up to it real fast and loves it! 

Brynna with a messy cupcake face! 

Bruce had one, too! 

For some reason he wouldn't use his hands and pick up his cupcake.  He just kept eating it like this! :) 

Even Luke had a messy cupcake face! 

Silly face! 

The next day we took off to a river to have some fun!
Tyce with Jayton (sp?) 

Luke finding shells 

Bruce having fun! 


Tyce going in the "rapids" 

Isaac and Tavin 

Brek and Bryson 

Brock came up with his own inner tube.  He taped some noodles together with life jackets on each end.  He said it didn't work very well. 

Brynna and Bruce 

Of course fish man Luke found a fish. 

Daddy and Bruce 

Bryson and Brek

We're so glad that we got to celebrate Bruce's birthday with the Byers and hang out with them!  It was a lot fun!