Friday, January 15, 2016


Brock's family's tradition is that they all have to wait until everyone's awake before they can go out and see what Santa Claus brought.  So here we are all awake hanging out in Mommy and Daddy's bed waiting for everyone else to get up.  I have to admit they were way more patient than I would have been at that age!  But not to worry, it didn't take too long for everyone to get up! 

Seeing what Santa left in their stockings! 

Tyce with his boogie board from Santa 

Luke with his boogie board from Santa 

Bruce eating anything he could find!  He was way more interested in the chocolate than the presents.  It was really quite funny.  Every time I turned around he was eating more chocolate.  I got kind of upset at Brock because I thought that he was just opening them and giving them to him, but Brock seriously had no idea that Bruce was even eating them!  He had lots of chocolate for Christmas! :)

Brek really wanted to buy a present for her Aunt Kristin so she worked really hard to earn money to buy her a present herself!  I was so proud of her, and it was so sweet to see her so excited about giving.

Tyce with his new lego men

The boys had so much fun all Christmas day with  these boogie boards!

This is the newest member of our family, Rita.  She has long beautiful brown hair for Brek to practice all of her new hairstyles.  It was kind of funny to walk in and see Rita sitting at the table!  She looks so real!

It had snowed Christmas Eve and was still snowing Christmas day, so of course we had to go out and play in it!  Here is Brek with buried Tyce. 

Luke, Brek, Tyce, and Aunt Kristin

Bruce really wanted to go out and play!
Is this picture not to die for?!?

My sweet baby 

These kids love their Aunt Kristin! 

I love these people!