Sunday, January 10, 2016

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was spent eating lots of delicious foods, making cookies for Santa, hanging out with amazing family, singing carols, and reenacting the Nativity.

Bruce and Brock hanging out before all of the festivities

Making popcorn balls with Grandma
Grandma, Luke, Tyce, and Brek

Grandma and Brek

The table all set for the fun night!
Tyce, Grandma, Luke, and Brek

Playing with cousins!
Crayton, Cole, Brek, Luke, and Tyce

Momma and Bruce

Luke, Daddy, Bruce, and Tyce

Playing the bells!  We were MUCH better this year!
Daddy, Luke, and Bruce

Tyce, Aunt Kristin, Brek, Grandma, Cole, Aunt Bonnie, and Morgan

Look at these cute reindeer!
Bruce (love the floppy ear!), Tyce, Luke, Crayton, Cole, and Brek

Our Nativity scene

Luke and Tyce

Making cookies for Santa



