Wednesday, February 5, 2014

September 2013

In an attempt to catch up on our blogging since I'm so far behind, I am going to just sum up our months.  September was spent going to football games, taking Brek to and from school, and watching these two crazies!  My boys kicked it up a few notches since Brek went to school.  Here are a few pictures of what they were up to...

They were of course "playing so nicely" in their room.  I go to check on them and discover fingernail polish all over them!  Luckily, not anywhere else.  Miracle?  Absolutely!  I was planning on heading to the bank to open an account that day, but there was no way I was taking them now since they looked like they were covered in blood!  Have I opened a bank account here yet?  No, I missed my one chance! :)

And here are some pictures of them in their normal attire at home...

One night all ready for bed...

My little snaggle tooth

On a side note, Brek has been doing great in school and I think she enjoys going for the most part, but getting her there every morning is absolutely ridiculous!!!!  Her clothes are never right (although SHE picks them out every night), her socks ALWAYS feel bad and she has to go through at least 7 pairs trying to find the one that feels just right, and her shoes are a major issue as well.  In the beginning, the shoes were the biggest thing.  We bought her new tennis shoes.  After two days of that, she went back to her old shoes because something of course was wrong with her new ones (too slippery for PE).  Then we got to the point of rotating between 2 outfits because those were the only 2 pairs of her tons of clothes that she liked.  What did that mean for me?  Laundry every night!  Was it worth it for her to go peacefully to school in the morning?  YES!!!!  

Also, another issue was that she didn't like for me and the boys to walk her in to school (she would stand at the doorway and not go in to her classroom).  She wanted to walk in with her friends.  And if we missed her friends in the morning...major meltdown!  Finally, the school counselor started helping us out by walking her in every day.  Brek loved this.  So, things were going pretty smoothly for a while.  But now since the Christmas break it has been back to fighting her every morning to get to school!  The counselor has hurt her ankle and is never there in the morning anymore.  So the boys and I walk her in (15 minutes late mind you), and she stops at the doorway and won't budge.  Lately, the nurse has noticed Brek struggling and will come and get her.  

So if you have actually made it to the end of my long rant, I would love some suggestions or ideas.  This morning I turned to bribery (not the first time mind you), and it seemed to work for today.  If she gets to school on time for 5 days she gets Dairy Queen ice cream.  In the beginning, the counselor said she felt like Brek was just having a little separation anxiety.  Thoughts??



I have zero thoughts but Iike reading about your life:) Ellie only goes twice a week and we haven't been late yet but I carpool with my neighbor so I only drive one day a week. But, Ellie takes SO long to get ready. She is just slow. Her fastest speed is the same as her slowest. I am all about bribery and reward charts. All about them.


I feel bad for you. I cannot understand why on earth it takes SO long to get everyone out the door, particularly in the morning. It drives me bonkers! I am really just scared for the fall when I have a new born!


Sorry, I have another comment. Since Brek's birthday is in August did you hold her back? Or is she the youngest in her grade? I can't decide what to do with Averi and her July birthday.