Luke turned 2 November 1st! His birthday was on a football Friday so we had cupcakes late after a football game with Charmayne and her kids. Lots of sugar that night!!!
I just love this little guy so much. He is such a talker now and loves to dress himself (nonmatching, backwards, inside out....the sad part is that I usually just go with it). I love his funny little faces he makes, and I just think he is the cutest kid ever (well, tied in cuteness with my other two, of course). He is still my "baby" and Brock gets on to me for treating him as such, but I just can't help it. Now I know why the babies of the families are so spoiled. :)
We waited to have his party until Nana and Papa came for the District Championship game (Nov. 9th)...
The kids had so much fun with Nana and Papa! We let Brek stay home from school on Monday so she could spend time with them, and she was in heaven. I was too seeing as how I got to take a long nap while they watched my kids (took them out for treats, played outside and cleaned up accidents!).
One of Luke's funny faces caught on camera!
My football player boys
Another funny sleeping pose from Tyce
That is a cracker hanging from his mouth.
Luke cheesing for the camera
Had to get a pic of Brek too
For Thanksgiving we stayed home because we were in the playoffs. It was our first Thanksgiving away from family. Really weird!!! We made a menu, and I got everything all planned out. Did I mention I was just barely pregnant?? Yes, so I got to make Thanksgiving dinner feeling great (not) with the help of Brock (thank goodness he came home to help after practice or I would've never finished!). I was actually really proud of how it turned out! The turkey was great! I did, however, decide I never want to have Thanksgiving by ourselves ever again! It was horrible to cook everything for just our family. We had leftovers for a month! ;)
the turkey
The Feast
Happy Thanksgiving!
He dressed himself. Can you tell? Yes, his shirt is on inside out and backwards.
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