Sunday, March 12, 2017

Random happenings in February

Tyce decided during the month of February that he hated school.  I found him hiding in the linen closet one morning. 

Bruce found a pen 

Brock was out of town one Friday night (I believe it was for a football clinic) so we headed to the park with pizza.  Brek was being really brave and feeding the ducks pizza crusts. :) 

Bruce and the ducks 

Tyce and Luke with the ducks 

One of Brek's friends had a birthday party at the skating rink so I took all of the kids up for it.  They had a blast!  And these PVC pipe "walkers" were the best!  As you can see, the kids worked up a sweat skating.  On a side note, I woke up a couple of days later really sore and finally realized that it was from walking around the rink holding my kids up trying to keep them from falling! 

Luke lost his first tooth!!!  I told him he wasn't supposed to lose it until he started school, but he refused to listen! 

More fun at the park.  Tyce shimmied up the bars! 

Luke made a gigantic airplane by taping 3 pieces of papers together.  He is so creative! 

Bruce was not feeling well for a few days.  He followed me around all day crying and wanting me to hold him.  He and Tyce were both on amoxicillin for upper respiratory infections.  Tyce still has a bad cough and Bruce a runny nose.  

The kids had a science fair.  Brek did the Life Cycle of a Golden Retriever 

And Tyce's class did an experiment with hot dogs and sunscreen.
It was really fun going to the fair and seeing everyone's projects.

And Brek taking a better picture at home :)

Bruce and Luke at the fair 

We were gone one weekend up to the Panhandle and while we were there I got a text from my friend late one night asking if we were okay.  Apparently there were tornado warnings in our town.  That was Sunday night.  On Monday night when we got home the electricity was still out which was a big problem for us since all of our doors were dead bolted from the inside except for the garage door which couldn't be opened because the electricity was out.  We were trying to figure out where the heck we were going to go...I sarcastically said, "Let's go to our friends' house!"... when I turned the corner Brock yelled, "The lights!  Look!  Quick.  Go open the door!"  The electricity came on right then!
The storm blew down part of our fence!

The worst part of the storm was that lots of people had put out their trash because Monday was trash pick up, so there was trash scattered everywhere.  The kids and I had a trash pick up adventure a few days later to get the leftover trash we saw around the neighborhood.  The kids were awesome and loved it!  Here are a couple of pics from it...
Brek, Tyce, and Luke finding trash

Bruce hitching a ride in the wagon with our trash collection.

And then of course as a reward we stopped at the park to play for all of our hard work!

Luke and Bruce

Bruce, Tyce, and Luke

Warning!  Video Overload ahead!!!

Luke picked this out at the thrift store.  He was so hilarious playing it with his eyebrow raises.  I promise I did not show him how to do it.  I think he just thought he was pretty tricky pretending to play it!

The boys having fun one morning with their cereal boxes...

Wrestling with Daddy!

Videos from the skating rink!  So fun!

Luke playing at the park at Brynna's birthday party

Luke was practicing his ninja skills at the park
