Monday, September 5, 2016

My Fisherman

Luke LOVES fishing!  He is constantly begging to go fishing or crawdid fishing.  We have been trying to think of good things for the kids to be saving their money for, and we finally thought of the perfect thing for Luke...a tackle box!  So after saving for a while, he went out and bought a tackle box.  Now he is requesting for his birthday a new fishing pole, long lures, and a fishing net. :)  In fact, he said that if anyone gave him something else that he was going to sell it and buy fishing stuff!  Hahaha!  (Don't worry.  Today he also requested a few toys as well.)
 I made the realization the other day that since Luke is so good at crawdad fishing that I could take him without Brock.  So we went to the park and tried out all of the holes there.  Nothing.

After quite some time and no luck, Bruce and I headed to the swings while Luke persevered.  While there, I had a conversation with a lady who was there with her grandson who was almost Luke's age.  She was so impressed with Luke's independence.  As I was watching Luke I noticed that he had given up on crawdad fishing and was now dipping his string that had a hook with bacon on it into the lake.  Next thing I know he's pulling it up with a turtle on it!

 He's pretty amazing. :)

He was determined to catch another one after that! 

No luck, but aren't they adorable??