Wednesday, September 28, 2016

September Happenings

September has been a pretty normal month.  Lots of school and football.  My football post will come next so this is my "around the house" post.

All ready to head fishing! 

Luke the fisherman 

Luke came to me the other day with all of these spatulas and said that he was going to "spanking butt practice."  Later he started teaching "spanking karate." :) 

One of Luke's favorite things to do (other than fishing of course) is to vacuum!  He loves it!  He asks me all of the time if he can vacuum.  Well, okay... :) He likes to pretend that he's sucking up tiny bad guys!

Luke found a cool bent stick the other day and went right to work on making a bow.  He did this all on his own. 

Brek told her daddy that she would massage his feet if he massaged hers! 

The boys decided to help. 

Luke and his lake 

Luke caught a teeny tiny frog! 

Deciding that the floor was too boring he moved on to the cushions! 

After dropping the kids off at school one day I noticed that my tire looked a little eh... At a closer glance I saw too many smooth spots and indentions in it!  Yikes!  What a blessing that I was made aware of it!  I am safely driving on 2 new front tires now.

Playing at the park!  Tyce and Bruce have a special relationship, and I love to see how well they get along. 

Tyce was being a troll. :)  Notice the stick sticking out of his ear! 

SIX stuck together mini wheats!  What?!?  This moment had to be documented. 

The kids got it in their heads the other day that we needed a house with stairs.  We told them that we should start saving our money now so that we can buy one some time soon.  They immediately started coming up with ideas on how to save/earn some money for our new house.  One of Luke's ideas was to "sell your pregnant shirts." :) Hahaha!  That seriously was out of nowhere.  Then they decided to sell stuff from the house.  I found this on the boys bunk beds (see above pic).  "200 DOLRS." 

Luke was calling these "party poopers" 

 Brek made this crown for Bruce

Luke made a fishing hole in my room with my pillows

Here is Brek with her landform project that she did all by herself!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Bruce loves football!  I hear this at least once every day!

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Harker Heights

Our first football game was against Harker Heights.  We lost 14-35.  It was fun to see Brock coaching again!  He is the defensive coordinator this year.

We found a fun football showcase at Walmart :)

Monday, September 5, 2016

My Fisherman

Luke LOVES fishing!  He is constantly begging to go fishing or crawdid fishing.  We have been trying to think of good things for the kids to be saving their money for, and we finally thought of the perfect thing for Luke...a tackle box!  So after saving for a while, he went out and bought a tackle box.  Now he is requesting for his birthday a new fishing pole, long lures, and a fishing net. :)  In fact, he said that if anyone gave him something else that he was going to sell it and buy fishing stuff!  Hahaha!  (Don't worry.  Today he also requested a few toys as well.)
 I made the realization the other day that since Luke is so good at crawdad fishing that I could take him without Brock.  So we went to the park and tried out all of the holes there.  Nothing.

After quite some time and no luck, Bruce and I headed to the swings while Luke persevered.  While there, I had a conversation with a lady who was there with her grandson who was almost Luke's age.  She was so impressed with Luke's independence.  As I was watching Luke I noticed that he had given up on crawdad fishing and was now dipping his string that had a hook with bacon on it into the lake.  Next thing I know he's pulling it up with a turtle on it!

 He's pretty amazing. :)

He was determined to catch another one after that! 

No luck, but aren't they adorable??

First Day of School

Brek and Tyce started school on the 22nd!  Brek is in 3rd grade and Tyce is in 1st grade this year.  Not only is it a new school year, but it's a new school for my kids.  We decided to transfer them to a different school not too far down the road.  We all are LOVING it!  Such a good decision.  Here are my cuties on the first day...

I had to post these next series of pics of Brek because she was cracking me up.  She would not look at the camera and smile to save her life.

I love these two!  I miss them at home, but I have to admit it's been really nice to just have to watch 2 for a while!

End of Summer Fun

Well....this one is actually not so much fun....
Tyce had a cavity that got infected and his jaw/cheek swelled up!  Poor kid.  After antibiotics and 3 visits to the dentist he's all fixed up!  Now on to the other side... 

The kids had a lot of fun playing in the rain one day.  Here are my soaked children. 

Luke wasn't having the picture 

Our first "haircut" by the kids.
Luke cut Bruce's hair.  Luckily it's not too noticeable so I just left it. :) 

It's football season, y'all!!!  Pics from the scrimmage.  Brek with the wildcat. 

 And Luke being crazy at the scrimmage

Luke found a bag and put in on his head and magically transformed into Chef Luke 

Our last day of summer vacation (Saturday) it was raining so Brock entertained the kids in the house!  They did science experiments and had so much fun! 

 Baking soda + vinegar = TONS OF FUN!!!

Baking soda + vinegar + food coloring = EVEN MORE TONS OF FUN!!! 

Daddy's pretty much the greatest :)