Tuesday, May 3, 2016

April Happenings

We are just enjoying the awesome weather here for April!  We've been outside A LOT!  On the 2nd we went up to the high school and set up our canopy (we're finally testing it!) and played soccer, played in the mud/water, and picked flowers.

Tyce and Bruce drawing in the dirt

Beautiful Brek with her bouquet of flowers

We love the canopy!

Luke, Tyce, and Brek catching butterflies

Bruce chilling in the backyard with Daddy while he was grilling

I took a little nap one day during Bruce's nap (go on, be jealous) and when I woke up Luke showed me that he learned how to spell BAT from Super Why.  (Hurrah for educational TV shows for children!)

Daddy took all of the boys fishing one day, so Brek and I made barbie dresses while they were gone.

Brek's 2nd grade at her school had a comedy musical one night.  It was so much fun, and I think Brek really enjoyed performing.  (P.S. So much better than other schools we've been at where they just turn on pop music and have the kids "sing along")  This picture was after the performance.

Luke with his drawing of a turtle
We've been trying to think of things that would be good for our kids to save their money for (instead of spending it on gum or cheap toys), and we finally came up with the idea to save for a "turtle tank."  Luke is obsessed with catching creatures outside (worms, lady bugs, rollie pollies, spiders, butterflies).  Luke was pretty excited about the turtle tank idea.  One day, Brock came home mid morning with a little turtle tank WITH a turtle in it! (and a little frog)  A girl at school had caught one but her mom wouldn't let her keep it.  So Luke bought it from her for $5.

The other kids were super excited and wanted one, too.  We went to the park, and I was able to catch another one for us!  So now we have 2 pet turtles.  They're pretty cute but stink terribly!  Every time someone walks by the tank they say, "What stinks?!"  It's so funny because they haven't realized that it's the turtles even though I tell them EVERY time,"The turtles!!!"  They named them Rocky because he's camouflaged like a rock (Tyce thought of that!) and Sunshine because she likes to be on top of the rock in the sun. 

Luke with his tank

Sunshine and Rocky

Someone posted on our online garage sale that they were giving away a 7.5 ft Christmas tree.  Ours says it's 6 ft even though it's really only about my height (5'9") so I figured this one would be a tiny bit taller (maybe an actual 6 ft tree!).  Boy was I surprised when I set it up, and it was a beautiful, full, tall tree!  I'm so excited for Christmas now!

The kids love their daddy.  Bruce was laying with them, too, but got up when he saw me taking a picture!

Luke and Tyce were having trouble laying down and going to sleep one night so we had to separate them.  Luke was supposed to be laying down in our bed, but we found him asleep like this in the hall!

Tyce was so excited about the turtles that he had to take them in for show and tell at school!

Working out with Daddy!  It's serious business.