Sunday, April 3, 2016


We had a pretty quiet easy going Easter again this year.  We tried to talk about Christ's resurrection a bit more this year so that the kids could understand a little more what Easter is really about.  It was really nice.

For our Easter egg hunt we just hid eggs in the backyard.  The kids had fun!  Brock was busy working on his Master's class and I was busy making dinner and what not, so we didn't have our hunt until almost bedtime!  As we were scrambling to find baskets for the hunt one of the kids stepped on Bruce's basket and broke it, and Luke's was nowhere to be found.  So we grabbed our Halloween buckets that were conveniently lying around for the two that were missing. :)

Bruce has been much more expressive lately, and this is the face he makes a lot when he's talking.  So funny. 

The kids were so sweet to each other this year.  Tyce was upset that he didn't find very many eggs and immediately Brek and Luke both volunteered to give some of their eggs to him.  I love my kids. 

Big sister helping out 

Happy Halloween!  I mean, er, Easter...

 Hurry and eat all the candy before Mom takes it away! :)