Football season is going great! Brock has been very busy and we miss him, but things are going good and he is really enjoying the year so far. Here are the game totals so far...
Aug 30 (L)
Brackett 32
Sabinal 26
Sept 6 (W)
Sabinal 30
La Pryor 7
Sept 13 (W)
Pettus 6
Sabinal 55
Sept 20 (W)
Brooks Academy 6
Sabinal 62
Sept 27 (W)
Sabinal 69
Center Point 21
Next week starts district play! Wish us luck!
It has been interesting going to football games with 3 kids this year. Unfortunately, it has been pretty much what I had imagined. Lots of watching little kids running around going crazy and little of watching a football game! :) One of our really good friends from here got a job coaching with Brock so we have been having fun going to the football games together with my friend Charmayne and her 2 kids. It has been nice because we help eachother out.
Luke seems to be my craziest child yet, as he is the one running everywhere! One football game, I was watching a woman frantically searching for her child thinking how scary that feeling must be when what do you know? Luke is gone not 10 minutes later!!!! He was at the opposite end of the stands just climbing up. All of my children have so far been pretty shy and stick close to me when we are in public. Not Luke! If he gets a chance, he is gone!
Another football story...We were at a game when all of a sudden they just stop playing. All of the players are just standing around, and we have no idea what is going on. After forever, we finally are told that they are waiting on EMS to get to the game (no one was hurt). Apparently, there was one ambulance that was assigned for 2 football games that were about 5 minutes apart. The superintendent of the other team demanded that the ambulance be on site at our game. After 1 HOUR 45 MINUTES, the ambulance pulls up! People in the stands were jokingly saying that someone should call 911. Let's hope their response time would have been better. :) After all of that, we still had several minutes left to go in the 2ND QUARTER! It was a long night to say the least. But that was the Pettus game, and as you can clearly see, we won.
Here are some pics from a pep rally...
My beautiful Brek
And her tattoo (oh how she loves those tattoos!)
Closeup of Luke!
And Tyce!
Silly faces at the football game!
Trey and Tyce
Coach Payne
Trey and Brek cheering on the Yellowjackets
Coach Payne
After halftime a few people leave and we end up spreading out.
Here we are taking up 4 rows!
And proof that Luke is not afraid of anyone! No, he does not know either of those people and neither do I! I guarantee that he was touching them to turn around or something else even. This one is so "fun" to watch at the games!
We took about 10 pictures and this was the best! Pretty pathetic, huh?? We will try again another time! I can't blame them though as it was probably at least 10:30 at this point.
And last of all, I have to brag on my husband a little...
The line is playing very well, and we have really good stats for our running game, so I would say that he's doing a pretty good job. But don't tell him I told you! :)
Way to go Coach Payne!! I've been watching Friday Night Lights. (I realize it's not the best show). But I keep thinking of you guys! I also showed the kids you're kids' pictures and we matched everyone up with a friend. Because you know they'd all be BFF's!!!
Yeah Yeah!! Go Coach Payne! oh I miss football season and wish we could come with you to the games to see and help you out! Miss those rascals!
Looks like football season is in full swing! Glad you guys are enjoying it! Good Luck and we will look forward to seeing you soon!
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