Wednesday, September 4, 2013

First Day of School!

Brek started Kindergarten on August 26th!  She was so excited!  
We have been talking it up for a few months now, so it was about time!
This is before school that day.

I did not ask her to pose for me like this.  I said, "Let's take a picture."  And this is what I got...  
What a character I have!

And of course the boys, too!  As you can see, Tcye was ready for school as well!

Brek and I have both really been ready for her to start school so there has been nothing but excitement from our house about school starting, but of course when it was time for school to actually start I got to thinking about how Brek is not my little baby anymore and how quickly she's growing up!  So by the time we got to the parking lot of the school I was all teary eyed!  I fought tears the entire way in!  All of the teachers had the kids sitting against the wall outside of their classrooms until the bell rang.  I was planning on staying with Brek until the bell rang and walking her into class, but I lost it.  I was really about to just start bawling so I hugged her and left!  I didn't want her to see me crying and then her get all nervous about school.  She was totally fine!  No hesitation from her at all, which is what I was really afraid of.  She loved her first day!  And I survived somehow... ;)

Of course a couple of days later we did end up having a little incident (The computer lab teacher got on to the class about tracking mud into the room.  This made Brek cry and not want to go to school anymore!), but it's all been taken care of.  Brek tells me all of the time about how nice the computer lab teacher is now! :)  She loves school!


Aaron and Tamra Tossey

oh Shayla! Your story just makes me sad to even think about sending Jax to school =(. But I love the pic of the 3 of them! Your kids are so stinkin cute!!