Thursday, May 9, 2013

Fun in the Sun

It's summer time in South Texas!  The kids have really been enjoying their new kiddie pool...

We did smores one day outside (that's what's all over Tyce)

Brek was the only one who would stop for the camera.  What a poser! :)

On a different day, Brock jumped in with them after work.  They loved it of course.

My cutie pie

And I just love these next few pictures of the boys.  Luke automatically makes faces when he sees me with the camera.  He's trying to "smile for the camera" in case you were wondering.

I love my babies!



Oh they are so cute. And your boys kids look like twins!


Okay, I just looked at your blog and came to leave a comment, and it appears I've already left one!! Anyway, I was just going to say how much I love your kids' white blonde hair and tan skin. I love it.