Thursday, March 21, 2013


Did I mention that my husband plays semi-pro football?  Well, he does. :)  Oh yeah.  The Uvalde Trojans.  A good friend of Brock's from the ward plays on the team and finally talked Brock into playing.  He has loved it so far because not only does he get to play football again, he gets to coach as well.  He has been helping out coaching the line.  They are undefeated so far!  We got to go to one of the games a couple of weeks ago and here are a few pics I was able to get...

Brock is closest to us on the line (black and red)


The kids did awesome at the game!  We ended up getting there about 2 HOURS before the game started (the coach did not tell the players that it had been moved back by 45 minutes so that the players who showed up late the week before would actually be there on time....the quarterback showed up I think at halftime of the last game)!  Luckily it was at a park so we played for quite a while on the swings and slides before the game.  I guess the one thing that happened with the kids that frustrated me is that (Elizabeth you can appreciate this...) Tyce peed on me in the bathroom before the game started!  So I was really frustrated thinking that this was going to be a horrible day with a start like that, but it wasn't!  They were awesome after that.  

My cute boys

Here is another funny story of the day....
Look closely and you will see a grass stain ON TYCE"S HEAD!!!!!  Who gets grass stains on their heads???  My children!  At about halftime we gave up with the stands and went over to the other side of the end zone, and I let the kids just run around and play.  They were running up and down a hill.  I was a little worried because they were running pretty fast and their momentum was making them tip over going downhill.  Sure enough Tyce takes a little hop and then lands smack on his head and rolls over!  I was scared he had really hurt himself.  He turned over and looked at me with this "Should I cry or am I okay?" look, and that's when I see the grass stain on his head!  I just crack up, and that's when he realized he was fine and started laughing too!

Another shot of the grass stain

On your mark...

Yes, Brek can fly

I have been instructed that with Tyce I have to say, "Down, set, GO!"

Running up the hill.  He learned his lesson about running down it.  Ha.  He ran down it all night.


Aaron and Tamra Tossey

oh I miss ya'll! and wow Luke already needs another hair cut! =)


I love all of these pictures!! That's so awesome that Brock gets to play football! Love it!