Thursday, January 29, 2009

Our Curious Little Crawler

Shayla has been babysitting for our friends up the street from us for a couple of weeks now. Their little boy, Bodey, is almost 3 months old. Brek has really been having fun playing with the little guy. She does however, get jealous on occasion...
We also put up a video of her crawling (towards the bottom). She has a very distinct technique of grabbing the carpet with her hands, raising her right leg in the air and pushing with her left, while pulling with her strong little arms. She can really get around now, pretty much wherever she wants to go, she can, as long as it's on the carpet in the living room.


Amanda Kirkpatrick

so cute!!! can't wait for y'all to get here!!!

Megan Wilcox

aww how Cute Brock..your little girl is growing up so fast

The Davidson's

Brek is so cute! She has the most adorable little "look" already! I can't believe she's crawling!! And Shayla is crazy to be taking care of two babies! Wow! That must keep her busy! Hope you guys are doing great!

Kevin and Kerry

She is sure cute. I am glad you guys are posting again. I love seeing the pics.