Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Hunting in Childress

Brock's favorite thing to do during the Thanksgiving break is to hunt.  He was able to shoot 2 awesome deer!  One whitetail and one mule deer.  Thanks for the hunt, Dad!

 Brock took the boys "hunting" one afternoon.  I was shocked and a little terrified to find out that they had seen and shot a rattlesnake.  Here are a few pics from their adventure.

Tyce, Brock, Luke, rattlesnake (dead rattlesnake) 

 All shot up!

End of the Break

Friday was Christmas decorating time, playoff football game, and girl time!
The kids always have so much fun helping Nana decorate her tree.  She's so nice to let them help. 


Bruce and Brek 

Tyce, Bruce, and Brek 

Luke LOVED playing with Luke (Johnny's dog) while we were there.  This boy needs a dog. 

Look at that smile 

Look at the fun decorations the kids added!  I think it was mostly Tyce and Kyler. 

Saturday night was Christmas Downtown.  We go every year and always have a lot of fun.  Papa treats us to the hay ride through the park where all of the lights are set up.  We always have fun singing Christmas carols and looking at lights.
Most of the kids.  I think we were missing Bentley and Emma.
Kyler, Bruce, Brek, Damon, Luke, Tyce, Radley, and Carter 

Brek, Tyce, and Luke 

Brek, Tyce, Luke, Bruce 

 Bruce on the hayride!

Mommy and Bruce 

Daddy, Mommy, Bruce 

Most of our crew and some extras 

Luke displaying his natural look :) 

Crazy kids! 

Brek and Damon (birthday buddies) 

Enjoying a candy cane after our fun night 

Brek picked out this cup especially for her daddy.  She thought she was hilarious because she knows how much he hates cats! :)

Kids and hot chocolate!

We always have so much fun spending time in Childress for Thanksgiving!  Thanks for having us, Mom and Dad!

Brock playing with Bruce

Brek cheering

I forgot to post this video a while back of Brek cheering!


We had the whole week of Thanksgiving off from school, so we took off after school the Friday before to head to Childress.  We learned that Bruce gets car sick so that was fun.

Brek got this fan stuck in her hair, and when I tried taking a picture this was the look she gave me! 

Upon seeing Brek's foot, my physical therapist brothers decided she needed some expert care. :)  I'm teasing.  They were very gracious to clean up Brek's foot and close it back up again.  Brek felt so special.  Cary Shane took us up to the hospital to fix it up!
Dr. Kenney Keys raising Brek up in the fun chair. 

Dr. Cary Keys doing all the work! :) 

This was our "Oh wait, we forgot to take a before picture!" so Cary Shane had already cleaned it up quite a bit. 


Much better! 
Thank you!!!!

Bentley was quite attached to Brock while we were there!  She would NOT go to me, but she LOVED Brock. 

Thanksgiving Day
Of course we had lots of fun Thanksgiving day eating tons of food!  Brock went hunting with the guys that morning while the girls prepared for the feast.

After eating to our hearts content, it was time to play outside!  Usually the guys have a turkey bowl, but this year they handed it off to the younger generation.  All of the littles and Keyan played!  It was so fun to watch.
Mom and Dad's trampoline decided to die on Thanksgiving day.
Here are Garron, Luke, Radley, and Bruce making the most of it before it was put to rest. 

Kaywen, Brek, and Kacy 

Go, Tyce! Go! 

Thanksgiving food face! 

Damon and Bruce 

Outdoors man Luke found all of the lady bugs.

Bruce, what a hoot! 

Bruce was copying everything that Tyce would do.  It was the cutest thing!  They love each other so much. 

A little snoozing for Bruce 

Mom, Me, Elizabeth
We snuck away for a little Black Friday fun at Walmart!  This may be my favorite thing about Thanksgiving.  I think it's so fun to go crazy shopping with these people!

I kept trying get a cute pic of these two together.  They were so cute in their diapers.  One or the other of them kept not paying attention to the picture.  And looking back over these pics, it was usually Bruce!  That stinker.  Here is Bruce with cousin Carter...

Selfie Time!