For some reason I can’t get pictures off of my camera anymore. I don’t know if it’s because of my old junky computer or because our camera card has a million pictures on it. Either way, today all you are getting is an update on our life.
Football is going awesome! Brock is really enjoying coaching this year, and the team is having lots of success so far. We’ve played 6 games so far and lost one (can’t remember if it was by 1 or 2 touchdowns). Anyways, close game. We started district last week and won our first game 48 to 0. Go Panthers!!!
Other than football, life is pretty boring. Our highlight of the week is being able to get out of the house and go to the football games. Brek loves to play cheerleader and knows lots of cheers. She makes Tyce be our mascot, Petey the Panther.
It has been getting cooler here lately (thank goodness), so we have been playing outside more. I really enjoy this except my children think that every time we go outside we have to play in the mud. It gets pretty old cleaning up mud off of my children, the floor, the bath tub…
We’re still waiting on the baby, of course. Grandma’s coming the 25th, ward trunk or treat on the 26th, and football game on the 29th. So I guess it would just be best if he came when he was due on the 30th. We’re super excited for the baby and can’t wait to see Grandma soon!
To end this boring blog post, I’ll leave you with some funny quotes from my darling daughter (she is quite hilarious here lately)…
Me: “Goodnight, my dear.”
Brek: “I’m not a dear. I’m not an animal.”
Me: “Brek, I’m thinking of an animal. It’s pink and likes to play in the mud.”
Brek: “Me!”
While at Walmart the other day, Brek asks me if I want to see the pirate. We’re heading out of the pharmaceutical isle towards the Halloween stuff. “Yeah, where’s the pirate?” (I say this quite loud.) She points behind us. There’s a guy with a patch over his eye near the medicine!
Me: “Brek, do you need to go potty?”
Brek: “No, because…my tongue is hurting. That’s why I don’t need to go potty anymore.”
4 months ago