Monday, February 28, 2011

Brek and her babies...

Brek went through a phase a little after she turned one when she was obsessed with baby dolls. Then she grew out of it. Here lately she has become obsessed again. It is really cute. One night she kept bringing her babies to me one at a time. She would bring one and want me to undress it, then she'd bring it back later with a pair of her own pajamas to put on the baby. Then she'd bring another and do the same thing. Over and over... And if you can't tell, her pajamas are just a little too big for the babies (size 3T). When she ran out of baby dolls she brought her Mickey Mouse. I went upstairs and found this...

She's a good mother. :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Happy Birthday, Tyce!

Tyce turned one on February 4th. We took advantage of a basketball game cancellation due to terrible weather coming our way and had a fun party out at Nana and Papa's. Thank you to all of you who braved the cold to come party with us.

This picture is funny to me because neither one of my children would blow out the candle. Every time Brek sees a candle lit at our house she will blow it out and say happy birthday! She might be a little shy (wonder where she gets that from). Thanks Papa for blowing it out!

This is the day of his actual birthday. We made him some cupcakes. I think he liked them.

At Tyce's 1 year checkup he weighed 24 lbs and was 30 in long. I think that puts him 50th percentile for length and 75th for weight. He was amazing for the doctor and just watched her quietly the whole time she checked him. So it was pretty weird to hear the doctor say that he had 2 ear infections! He is just the chillest baby....when he wants to be! :) I just love him to death and have to squeeze him every time he walks by because he is just so cuddly. He has just about caught up to Brek in all he does. He wants to do everything she is doing and have everything she has (and vice versa). He has now decided that he is a big boy because crawling up the stairs and sliding down is not fun anymore. He likes to hold on to the rail and pull himself up and down the stairs. He has also discovered his voice the past few days. He is talking all of the time and Brock has even taught him a few animal noises (pig, monkey, cow, bear).

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Hanging out with the Family

Here are a few pictures of some recent fun times with cousins, aunts, uncles, etc...

Kyler looks way too happy to be playing with my kids. :)

We went to the park and had a picnic with Kenney and Elizabeth.

This is right before Brek dropped him on his head. Poor little guy's going to have to be tough.

Then we went to the playground where Tyce had fun playing in the dirt.

We met up with the Tipa's and Perkin's. Here are the kids having lots of fun on the swing.

One night we decided to compare Kyler and Tyce. This is the best picture. I'll spare you the booty shots. :)

Kacy invited us to come out and play in the snow. We went out to Mom and Dad's and took about 15 minutes getting ready. Finally headed out and lasted about a total of 2 minutes. After which we came inside where they cried for about 10 minutes. It was way too cold and windy to play in the snow! The next day though we went out and Brek had a blast. (I'm glad she got a good experience with the snow.)

Brek kept looking at Tyce and would say, "I don't like Santa Claus. Tyce is not Santa Claus."