Thursday, December 3, 2009

My Cute Baby

I was trying as usual to entertain Brek one day when I got this picture. We were playing with Brock's cowboy hat because it is pretty much the only hat I can actually get Brek to wear. She was being really cute with it and then she took off. I decided to take advantage of this time by finishing getting ready for the day (Brek hates it when I'm getting ready and usually throws a fit which takes me about 10 times as long to actually get ready). So anyway, she comes back looking like this! What happened to my little cowgirl??? I don't even know where she found this hat of Brock's, but I thought that it was hilarious that she left a cowgirl and came back a thug!

Monday, November 30, 2009


For Halloween this year we decided to have a party at our house, but before that we dressed Brek up really quick as a bee and went trick-or-treating downtown at Dad's office. Brek was too cute, and I'm surprised at how well she wore her costume without fussing. We rushed home after that to get the house all ready for the party. Brock did a really good job decorating, and everything looked awesome. I dressed up as the Grinch with my lovely tummy, Brek became Cindy Lou Who, and Brock was a hunter. It was lots of fun! Thanks everyone who came. I'm realizing now how terrible I am at taking pictures because I forgot to get a picture of everyone at the party!

Buzz, Buzz, Buzz


Trick-or-treating at Edward Jones with Papa and Nana

My gothic family

Cindy Lou Who

The Payne Family

Coach Payne

Brock was able to help out the Bobcats in football this year. He helped coach the defensive line. He is also the off season strength coach for the girls' athletics program. He loves being involved in the athletic program, and I know that they love having him there.

Brock kissing up to the ref

Brek watching the football game with Papa


We were able to go to California the middle of October for Brock's sister Bonnie's wedding reception. It was so good to see that side of the family! We had so much fun, but of course wished we could have stayed longer. Bonnie and Brandon looked so happy together! I have to apologize though because we didn't even get any pictures with our camera with them!

Brek going up and down the stairs

Grandpa Todd and Brek

This is her "Daddy pose"

Brek loved playing with her baby and stroller!

Private concert from Uncle Brandon and Grandpa Todd. They were so good!!!

Grandma time! Brek loved it!

Brek reading the safety instructions on the plane

Monday, November 16, 2009

Girls' Night Out

The boys took off on a camping trip one Friday night, so I decided to have a girls' night. I wish I would have planned it earlier so that more girls could have made it, but as you can tell I am not as on top of things as I should be. It was still lots of fun. Mom, Kacy, and Kristen were able to make it. We played games, ate tons of junk, and watched girly movies.

The girls had more fun with Brek's toys than she did! :)

I made lime pie. It took FOREVER to make. I liked it.

This is pretty much what everyone else thought of it. Bleh!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Fun in the Sun

This was our last trip to Lake Altus for the summer. Brek loves the water and the sand. We saw a turtle poking his head up very close to where we were swimming. Everyone got out of the water for some reason after that.

Here are the turtle hunters...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Brek's First Birthday

Brek turned one August 12th! And of course I am just now putting up pictures. :) We had a fun party, and Brek loved her cake. Brock did an awesome job on it. Thank you to everyone who made it so fun!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Creepy Crawlers

So one day while I was playing on the floor with Brek I see a black "thing" crawl beside me. I scream of course, because I think it is a spider and I hate spiders! Oh no. Not a spider. A lizard! What the heck! Where did that come from??? Weird. A week or so later I'm cleaning out the kitchen. There's a box of Kix open that has hardly anything left. I'm about to dump it into a smaller container to make more room in my teeny tiny kitchen when I notice....yes, a lizard!!! Needless to say, I threw the entire box of Kix out in the backyard. Another week or so later as I'm doing the dishes...another one!!! Where are these lizards coming from?!?! Does anyone else have problems with lizards in their house? It has been a while since the last spotting, but every time I think it's the last another one shows up. At least they eat bugs, right?

Speaking of bugs...
The other night at, oh about, 4:30 AM I wake up to this buzzing noise and then a thunk against the fan. I try to tell myself that I was just hearing things and to go back to bed. So I lay there listening. There's no way I can go back to sleep now. I wake up and turn on the bathroom light. I look and look and see nothing. So I lay back down with the covers pulled tightly up around my face. I hate bugs. Then I hear it again! I get up and turn the light on, look and look....nothing. Then I see it. A big, black beetle crawling on the drapes right above Brock's head. What am I supposed to do? He's still completely asleep, so I grab a shoe and a fly swatter. It crawled to my side of the drapes so I try to get it and it falls down where it crawls under the bed where I cannot reach it. Yuck!!! By this time Brock is awake and wondering what the heck I am doing. I tell him I am NOT going to sleep with this beetle on the loose. He tells me that at 4:30 in the morning he really does not care. So he just lays back down to go to sleep as I'm still standing in the doorway to the bathroom paranoid that this beetle is going to get me. And then I see it again! Right over Brock's head...again! So I get him up and he smacks it and it falls and...we can't find it! He informs me yet again that it is 4:30 in the morning and he doesn't care about the stupid beetle. So in the end I sleep in the living room while Brock sleeps peacefully in our bed.

The moral of the story is...
I hate lizards and beetles and spiders and pretty much any creepy crawly thing!!! And you get to hear about it in an extremely long blog post. :)

Friday, August 14, 2009


Here are the videos that were supposed to have been posted yesterday!

Turtle Ride

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Sorry that we haven't posted in FOREVER! In the move we lost our cable for the camera and have finally found it! And we were just being lazy. :)

One of Brek's favorite things to do is play in the kitchen (mainly the trash and other things she's not supposed to get cocoa).

Oh yeah. Did I mention that our baby is walking?!?! These videos are from a while back. She's actually walking very well now.

This is the Fourth of July at my parent's house with two of Brek's favorite people, Papa and Aunt Kacy.

We went to my mom's family reunion (Hoer Family Reunion) at Bear Lake the end of July. It was lots of fun and so good to see everyone! The last picture is four generations.

Brek does the goofiest things sometimes. She decided to give her turtle a ride in the laundry basket. She was doing this for about 10 minutes!

Brek loves going to the park. Unfortunately, we just discovered this now that summer is almost over.

Brock officially signed his contract for Childress Independent School District and will be teaching Spanish starting the 24th. He is really excited, and I know he'll be a great teacher!

Brek turned one on the 12th, but we have not celebrated her birthday yet. We will definitely be putting up pictures of that! She is really growing up fast, and I'm loving be able to see her cute personality develop. She can say mama, dada, and papa so far.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

When we were packing in preparation for our move we had a lot of help. Thanks to Kenney, Elizabeth, Tamra, Brian and Deanna, all of which were in our furniture-less house when we caught Brek doing this funny little thing. Kenney caught it on his camera and sent it over to us last night. Thanks again guys!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

7 month old Brek Olivia Payne

Brek has really made a lot of growth this past month. We went to Texas to get things settled for our move in lat April and she really loved playing with her cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. When we got back to Ogden, she started doing some funny things: wiggling and singing... kinda. She's been such a fun little girl to have in our home.

7 Months