Wednesday, December 10, 2008

5 Generations

Brek, Brock, Grandma Kim, Grandma Phyllis (Great Grandma), Grandma Ball (Great Great Grandma, Dorothy)

Friday, December 5, 2008

Thanksgiving in California

We went to Brock's family in California for Thanksgiving this year. We had a great time...especially at the dinner table on Thanksgiving day with all of the family! The first picture is with Brock's mom Kim and Grandma Phyllis. The third picture is Brock's dad Todd and grandma Honey. The fourth is with Grandma Phyllis and Uncle Scott.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thumb Sucker

Brek LOVES her thumb! When she first discovered it we didn't know what to do. We tried the pacifier again, but she didn't like it still. So we bought a different kind of pacifier...still hated it. That's about the time that we decided it was kind of nice that she could calm herself down. Now she sucks her thumb all of the time! I guess her and Aunt Savanna will be good friends.

Monday, November 3, 2008


On Friday, which was Halloween, I had a playoff game with my Ogden high boys down in Cedar City so I had to leave early, around 9:30, and miss all of Halloween. Luckily, Tamra came down and kept Shayla company. They dressed Brek up in her Kitten costume and had fun handing out candy and seeing the kids from the neighborhood stop by in their costumes. I sure wish i could've been there...

Brek was really tired one morning and decided to do some major posing and smiling in her sleep. We didn't get any pics of her smiling in her sleep but these were priceless little poses. She's always doing something cute to keep us entertained.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Daddy'Little Girl

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Friday, October 10, 2008